Tuesday 10 July 2018

Mount Pauna Community Conserved Area, Peren

On the south-western Barail range, the Mount Pauna is located in the picturesque Benreu village. The CCA around Mount Pauna is spread over 843.23 hectares of forested land and grasslands. The sub-tropical forests, dominant with broad-leafed trees, house some of the most globally threatened species of flora and fauna. Mount Pauna is listed as an Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and Eastern Himalayas Endemic Bird Area (EBA) for its unique avifauna.

During 1980-90s, indiscriminate logging and hunting decreased the availability of water in the natural water bodies and hence, which cause a sudden decrease of population of Blyth’s Tragopan and Hornbills. In response, the local community announced a complete ban on hunting and logging within the Mount Pauna range in 2002-03. In 2012, with guidance and support of NePED, the “Pauna Range Conservation Committee” was formed and strict rules and regulations were framed for the management of Mount Pauna CCA.

Wildlife Watch

Empress- rediscovery after 93 years in Nagaland 
  • The sub-tropical forest supports threatened species such as Rufous-necked Hornbill, Oriental Pied and Brown Hornbill, Grey Sibia, Beautiful Sibia, White-ramped Yuhina, Austen’s Barwing. 
  • A Bird survey revealed the presence of 155 species of birds are found here, including Grey-sided Laughingthrush, Long- tailed Wren Babbler, Tickell’s Leaf-warbler, Yellow-rumped Honeyguide, Mountain Bamboo Partridge.
  • Slow Loris, Asiatic Black Beer, Stumped-tailed Macaque, Leopard; Himalayan Serow, Yellow-throated Weasel etc are recorded from this place. 
  • The butterfly Empress (Sasikiafenebris), a rare nymphalidia butterfly was re-discovered here in 2014, 90 years since it was last sighted in 1924; this discovery has marked Mount Pauna CCA as a prominent butterfly watching destination. 
  • Other interesting uncommon speceis of butterfly are Naga & Green Sapphire, White Commodore, Golden Birdwing, Lesser Punch and Small Sailer.
 Video Documentary about the Mount Pauna Conservation Initiatives

To visit, please contact:
Mr. Heirang Lungalang Mount Pauna CCA, Benrue Village,
Peren District, Nagaland 
Phone No: +91-9436000812

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