Monday 9 July 2018

Shathuya Community Conserved Area, Meluri, Phek

Shilloi Lake
On the Patkai Range is the Shathuya Community Conserved Area, spread over 2,278 hectares, functioning as a wildlife corridor between Nagaland and Myanmar. Large parts of the landscape are hilly and rugged, lending intrigue to its scenic beauty. The dense evergreen forest adjoins the famous Zanubu and Saramati Mountain range. Three major perennial streams namely Riuers, Thotu, and Muwurkwa and their tributaries originate from these forests. The forests are very rich in terms of biodiversity, harbouring different kinds of tree species, medicinal plants, birds, mammals, wild fruits and even vegetables etc. 

In response to the pressures of timber logging, illegal hunting, and resource extraction of the forest and its biodiversity, in 2015, 13 villages collectively formed the Shathuya Community Conserved Area to protect the forests and its biodiversity.

Wildlife watch 
  • The area is characterised by diverse species of birds such as Blyth’s Tragopan, Mrs. Hume’s Pheasant, Hornbills and Bamboo Partridges, Manipur Bush quail, Kalij Pheasant, Grey peacock pheasant, Black-eagle, White- browed Piculet, Long-tailed broadbill, Black Baza etc. 
  • Barking Deer, Wild Boar, Asiatic Bear, Wild Dog, Slow Loris, Himalayan Giant Squirrel, Red-bellied Squirrel, Sambar, Eurasian Otter etc. are common among the mammals.
To visit, please contact: 
Mr. Kuiyipu Sharu 
Member, Shathuya Community Conserved Area Contact No.: +91-8974390748

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